Saturday, January 3, 2009

Owen's first Christmas

I'm a little behind in my posts, but I'll try go get caught up on all the latest in Owen's life. The big event this month was Christmas, and we were lucky enough to have the time to see all of our families and really celebrate Owen's first holiday in style.

On our way home from Stevens Point, I declared that Owen gets the Baby of the Year award for being such an intrepid traveler. He slept through almost the entire 4.5 hour trip to Minneapolis, the 3.5 hour drive to Stevens Point and the final 2 hour leg back to Madison. What an incredible kid. He couldn't have asked for a better Christmas, either -- I think every other present to come out from under the tree was for him. Toys, books, clothes, keepsakes -- he's set for a long while and we appreciate everyone's generosity.

When we got back to Madison, Colin and I celebrated our Brazilian Christmas by making a Brazilian-themed meal (the highlight was a sweet French toast called Rabanada) and watching the movie "Victory," which really has nothing to do with Brazil except that Pele is in it. I don't know how we'd missed that movie before considering our love for soccer, but we really enjoyed it!

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