In addition to the Obama inauguration, the StalinBenester household experienced another big change. Today was Owen's first day at day care, and like everything else we've thrown at him the past few weeks, he handled it better than we ever could have imagined. When I went to pick him up, he was happily gumming his circle rattle -- Nancy said to never send him without it because he loves it so much -- and smiling for mom. Nancy also said he's the easiest baby she's ever seen, so we're happy he didn't give her any trouble. (Not that we expected him to.)
And we're happy that he seems to have fun there. And as I said to my co-worker today, I think I shed more tears leaving than he did when Colin dropped him off.
But, apparently he only took two 30-minute naps today, so I guess it's no surprise he fell asleep during the three-minute car ride home.
Today's events got me thinking that with a personality like his, we're sure Owen is destined for great things.
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