Saturday, October 11, 2008

Owen at two months

The little guy isn't so little any more! We were at the doctor Friday for his two-month checkup and he weighed in at 12 lbs., 5 oz. and measured 23 inches. He's certainly been eating a ton and getting in some longer stretches of sleep (although not as long as his mom might like), so we can see why he's growing like a weed.

It's been a while since we've posted some snaps of Owen -- and we've gotten a request for "," so here you go. As you can see from the pictures, we're keeping him busy. Many of the shots are of him playing in his room or with his buddy Keegan. He's so strong and can really hold his head up well, but he still doesn't like being on his stomach, even when propped up on the Boppy pillow. We also went to an apple orchard outside of Madison a few weekends ago, although O slept through the whole visit. We were in Minneapolis so he could meet his Uncle Sean, Aunt Molly and Cousin Taylor, as well as his Great Grandma Maher. He also got to hang out with some pretty cool kids -- Grady, who took a liking to Owen's head, and Arija and Adam. And because it was such a beautiful day in Madison today, we headed downtown for one of the last farmer's markets of the season.

I'm trying to decide what to do for Owen's Halloween costume -- please vote in the comments section below.

A. A 1950s greaser (his hair gets all spiky in the front when combed just right)
B. A punk baby (again, the hair can be combed into a spiky mohawk and he has some cool Vans)
C. A baby bear
D. No costume (Colin, you can only vote once!)
E. A write-in suggestion


Patty Benedict said...

I vote for the punk baby... but no piercings or tatoos!! Take lots of pictures! ;o)

Melanie said...

punk baby!

Unknown said...

How about the "Newsman Baby". Gray fedora with a press pass, plaid sport coat, blue pants and two-tone shoes. Now thats scary !!

steph said...

News baby! Excellent idea. My second vote would be a monkey. Not sure why, but I think Owen would make a very cute monkey.

StalinBenester said...

Next year he'll have to go as UPS delivery man.

Erin said...

I'd have to go with 50's greaser...but good choices, all.

He's a beautiful little guy!