Saturday, March 7, 2009

Owen update

Things were a little crazy at the StalinBenester house in February -- the worst was the five illnesses between O and Stacy. (Stacy even missed her Oscar party because she was sick -- that tells you something!) Anyway, blogging was one of the first things to go, but I'll try to make up for it with some photos of O.

In the last month, he's mastered sitting up and rolling back and forth to get to something he really wants. He's also trying out all the different sounds he can make, from "dadadada" to clicking and gurgling. He's also become very squirmy -- we can barely keep our hands on him sometimes! But he remains a very happy and smiley boy and we must say "He's such a good baby" at least five times a day.

1 comment:

steph said...

insanely cute. thanks for the updates. hugs & kisses to o from aunt steph.