Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall -- all in one post

I guess we shouldn't consider ourselves bloggers with how little we post. After you see what we've done, you be the judge about whether we were busy enough to claim lack of time for regular postings.

I kicked off the fall with a trip to New York with my friend Jenny so I could visit my favorite spot, the Magnolia Bakery. Oh, and we went to see the Broadway production of "Grease!" and spent the weekend catching up with some of my friends there.

A few weeks later, we enjoyed wine, food and time with friends in Sonoma, where we rented a home for the weekend and toured wine country in a minivan.We also had a visit from my brother Sean and his wife, Molly, as well as the star of the show -- their daughter, Taylor. She loved watching football (the English kind) with her dad and Crazy Uncle Colin.

In between all that, we cooked up a storm in our new kitchen, watched football of all kinds, as well as played soccer on two teams. Colin also went to Florida for some management training now that he's the boss at his station.

Oh, and that 5% of work we still need to finish on our kitchen? We're working on it.

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