Sunday, May 27, 2007

Musings on the Midwest

Yes, we are Midwesterners -- we had a garage sale. Here's a shot of Colin during one of the quieter moments of our two-day sale earlier this month. We really did have more activity than this! All in all, we made about $120, and most importantly, we cleared out a lot of stuff that we didn't need any more. There's still some things that didn't sell that still need to go to Goodwill. But we're getting closer and closer to being able to park in our garage.

Every part of the country must have its own version of the garage sale. In New York City, the spring cleaning staple is the stoop sale -- they're much smaller versions than we have in the Midwest, probably because the living spaces are so much smaller and simply can't hold as much stuff, and obviously people don't have garages or yards. I'm assuming the garage sale is featured in this cool Encyclopedia of the Midwest I read about a few weeks ago. I'm going to have to get a copy of this book -- I hope there's a whole chapter on Jell-O salads and funeral hotdish.
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